Complaints & Grievances

Should you have any concern about any aspect of the service provided by the preschool, you are encouraged to:

Contact and discuss the issue with your child’s teacher;
2. Contact the Preschool Director, Kim Brodribb at the preschool by calling 0409 889 080;
Or email
3. Contact the Vice President of the Committee of Management by emailing:

It is the policy of Woodridge Preschool to:
• Treat all complaints seriously
• Deal with all complaints promptly
• Refer all serious matters to the Department of Education and Training (DET)
• Treat all complaints with confidentiality, meeting the conditions of the privacy laws, industrial relations law, preschool regulations and legislation.

Additionally, should you feel the matter is of a serious nature, concerns regarding the Preschool can be addressed directly to the Department of Education and Training, Quality Assessment and Regulation, Northern Metropolitan Area:
Phone: (03) 7005 1989
An advisor is available by telephone. If an advisor is not available, messages may be left on voicemail. Your call will be returned as soon as possible.

FOR URGENT MATTERS RING: (03) 7005 1989.

​All parents have the right to have any concerns that they have about the program at Woodridge Preschool addressed. Complainants are encouraged to put their complaints in writing, in order to make the terms or basis of any complaint as clear as possible.